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About US

The French Times is an energizing blend of qualities, which frames a nimble, industry-driving media organization. We are advanced, worker situated and - to the exclusion of everything else - focused on our networks and customers.
We are pleased to be an established, ceaselessly possessed and worked family media organization in the country.

Our process for reporting

We make sure that our sources are verifiable and trustworthy from multiple accounts, and gather a substantial amount of information before we place something online. Before each story we ultimately publish we ask ourselves: Is this story newsworthy? Are we telling the whole story? Are our sources reputable, credible, and transparent? How can we be informative and fair? Only after we are satisfied that we have created something worth publishing and had it reviewed by editors do we publish the piece.

A lot of news companies won’t admit this, but we make mistakes sometimes. Sometimes we find out something that we believed to be true was utterly false. Sometimes we write something that could have had more poise. Sometimes we aren’t as unbiased as we’d like. We’ve grown a lot since we were founded and continue to work on our journalism skills in an effort to be the best reporters that we can be. We don’t take reporting the news lightly, it colours how people see important issues and can be a medium that enhances community or divides it. Our goal is to inform people of what is happening in their communities and strengthen the bond between people when they agree and to encourage thought-proking dialogue when they disagree.

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